Thijs Valkenburg, Helena Batalha, Fábia Azevedo and Ricardo Ceia found the Azores' fourth Little Blue Heron at Lagoa das Furnas, Sao Miguel on Sunday 24th June. Previous records include one at Fazenda, Flores in November 1964, one at Fajã dos Cubres, São Jorge in September/October 1997 and one at Madalena, Pico in October 1998. So this bird is the first spring record of this Nearctic species for the Azores (and the Western Palearctic). Thijs was able to gain some fantastic photographs, one shown below (copyright Thijs Valkenburg).
Many thanks to Hugo Sampaio for coordinating this information.
Many thanks to Hugo Sampaio for coordinating this information.
The same observers were also fortunate to locate a Squacco Heron at the same locality, potentially the same bird that has been present at Lagoa das Furnas since 29th May 2012. The following photograph is copyright Thijs Valkenburg.